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بوست تجريبي 19

Blog template capabilities

To change overall blog appearance Blogger allows its users to choose from various provided blog themes or import custom made blog templates like Gelati Sugarfree

Blogger provides a WYSIWYG blog post-editor which enables its users to express multiple markup elements like headings, paragraph, image, list, quote and video. This blog template expands that feature set with beginner friedly CSS-triggered generation of hero-image variations and Javascript-configurable gallery and carousel components, powered by third-party integrations from

Let's start with some Headings

H3 Heading

H4 Heading

The paragraph is the default markup type. It should not have any alignment of any kind. It should just flow like you would normally expect. Nothing fancy. Just straight up text, free flowing, with love.

This paragraph is left aligned.

This italic paragraph is centered.

This paragraph is right aligned.

Even before the internet was a thing, people already used Filler Text.
This paragraph is colorful, with a orange background and blue text. Colored content should have a high enough contrast, so that the text is readable.

This paragraph prefers Jazz over Justin Timberlake. It also uses the small font size.

This paragraph has something important to say: It has a large font size, which defaults to 36px. 

The huge text size defaults to 46px, but the size can be customized. 

Neither of these paragraphs care about politics, but this one is bold, medium sized and has a drop cap.

Ordered list
  1. Orderd List Item 1
  2. Orderd List Item 2
  3. Orderd List Item 3
  4. Orderd List Item 4
Unordered list
  • Unorderd List 👀 1
  • Unorderd List 👽 2
  • Unorderd List 👻 3
  • Unorderd List 👍 4

  • 1.) Even before the internet was a thing, people already used Filler Text as a filler in printing tests.
  • 2.) Even before the internet was a thing, people already used Filler Text as a filler in printing tests.
  • 4.) Even before the internet was a thing, people already used Filler Text as a filler in printing tests.
  • 5.) Even before the internet was a thing, people already used Filler Text as a filler in printing tests.
  • 6.) Even before the internet was a thing, people already used Filler Text as a filler in printing tests.
  • 7.) Even before the internet was a thing, people already used Filler Text as a filler in printing tests.
  • 8.) Even before the internet was a thing, people already used Filler Text as a filler in printing tests.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8

  • Supports Youtube, Vimeo and HTML video/audio
  • This video starts from 0:10

Video components have settings for showing and hiding the playback controls. Use autoplay and playback controls responsibly.


The Verse block

A block for haiku?
Why not?
Blocks for all the things!

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